Pre-Order: Drowning the Light - "CoS III: Camelot in Flames" CD

**Note this is a PRE-ORDER and will not ship until it arrives.
All pre-orders go in a draw for a chance to win a copy of one of the rare promo-tapes that were made with some rough demo versions of different tracks (each promo tape is limited to 5 copies and only 1 of each will be available to win), these tapes are "Ashes of Idols", "Crowned by Lucifer", "A Forlorn Summer" & "The Imperceivable Seal". There is also a chance to win 1 of 8 long sold out zippo style DTL lighters (4 x gold & 4 x silver are part of the draw) as well as some older metal sigil pins.
"Conquer or Serve" part 3:
The third part of this five part cycle is "Camelot in Flames".
Raw, Melancholic, Triumphant and majestic Black Metal.
This album starts with an ode to a great, conquering philosopher king, who cannot be bought and does not bend the knee, the archetype of a great leader that each individual has their own version of in their mind... and thus the decay of all great empires begins. For we all have our idealized version of civilization, our Camelot, and we are all on our own grail quest.
Although we are part of nature, we also have the ability to bend those very laws of nature, to create that which would never naturally occur. So from chaos, in our psyche, we dream of that idealized kingdom and try to bring it into reality. Yet sadly this will never align with others, no matter how beautiful the dream, Camelot will always end up in flames and the knife will always be plunged into your back while you are reaching to drink from that grail... An ambrosia that can never be drunk in this mortal coil.
The fall of an empire always comes long before the flames, we become too far removed from the natural way of existing that is paramount in this objective world, and the ultimate price of decadence is decay... And you know the piper must always be paid. Society fears that cost, yet can only blame itself.
And as the flames burn out in the ruined shell of a once great empire and time passes, a new empire will rise, built on the bones of its predecessor's forgotten demise. Only for the same story to cycle over again, for our primal instinct is one of war and every kingdom is our urn... For the ashes of idols we yearn.
Every empire is fed poisoned remedies from poisoned prophets, those who spin terrifying and tragic webs so we all fear our caskets, yet to fear death is to become a slave, so one must cast aside despair over that impending grave, for it is not the end when night falls over life. For now that grail is in reach, and a phoenix rises from the ashes.
Thus the cycle continues in part 4.