Pre-order: Drowning the Light - "CoS II: The Natural Law is Tooth & Claw" CD

**Note this is a PRE-ORDER and will not ship until it arrives.
All pre-orders go in a draw for a chance to win a copy of one of the rare promo-tapes that were made with some rough demo versions of different tracks (each promo tape is limited to 5 copies and only 1 of each will be available to win), these tapes are "Ashes of Idols", "Crowned by Lucifer", "A Forlorn Summer" & "The Imperceivable Seal". There is also a chance to win 1 of 8 long sold out zippo style DTL lighters (4 x gold & 4 x silver are part of the draw) as well as some older metal sigil pins.
"Conquer or Serve" part 2:
The second part of this five part cycle is "The Natural Law is Tooth & Claw".
Nature is cruel and unforgiving, it does not care for your feelings, desires, hopes or insecurities. It has an uncompromising harmony and whether humanity exists or doesn't means nothing to the old gods.
This album is feral-hearted, raw and majestic Black Metal, with acoustic passages and each season is reflected not only as a season of nature, but a season of mankind's existence within it.
This album is the death of cowering weak fragility.
The wolf tearing apart the innocent rabbit or the lamb, which is the cosmos reflected through an act of microcosmic bloodshed, thus this album is that wolf.
A reflection of the spirit of this natural world, bound by an ouroboros forever devouring... Are you the head or the tail? Will you survive or fall? There is also beauty reflected in this album, that lulls and lures you, but do not be fooled. The natural world is a world of war, and the natural law is tooth and claw...
And although most choose to be blind to this, the world of mankind and its empires and all its "kindness" and "humanity" is thinly veiled and still exists under that primal natural law, where the naked sword is still kingmaker or king breaker. Do not believe otherwise.
And no matter how it is disguised by the powers that loom over you, the sword is now held to your mind, the final and most important land for them to conquer.
Regardless, this caitiff species is now in ruin, we are in our winter, and every empire must fall. Thus the cycle continues in part 3.